Laptop, exercise ball, electric shock?

Laptop, exercise ball, electric shock

Hi, sometimes I get a kind of electric shock, a burning tingling sensation from the empty key and sometimes from the pad. That's not normal, is it?

Maybe it has something to do with the rubber ball I'm sitting on because of the friction on the floor.


Yes, you charged yourself statically because of the friction and then passed this charge on to the laptop. But is not bad, just tickles something.


Well, such a phenomenon is called "static charging" 😉


Yes, I just wanted to make sure that it really came from the ball and not from the laptop😅, because that would make me very worried


It is quite possible that you charge yourself statically through the rubber ball on which you are sitting. The laptop case should actually be grounded, then you discharge yourself over it.

just try it out. Sit quietly or use a chair / stool. If the "feeling" is gone, it will be so.


This can be electrostatic charge.
Do you have a radiator or anything metallic nearby that is connected to earth?
Touch it before you touch your laptop.

Many of the electronic components have ESD protection, but it will definitely not do them good in the long run.

Alternatively, you can try sitting barefoot on the ball and keeping your feet on the ground.
This should actually solve the problem.


Joa can be just worried because it didn't tickle but really burned for a second. Well as long as the ball is the cause and not the laptop, I think everything is okay


Heating is right at my table with my laptop on it. Will try the barefoot, thanks😀


Hmm well then I'll take a stool, thanks


Yes of course. This is called static charging and is completely normal. If you wiggle the rubber ball back and forth on the floor, it is the same effect as if you rub your hair with your balloon and then stand up.
If you get your laptop now, you will be discharged and it will tingle.

This has nothing to do with a malfunction of the laptop and is in no way harmful.

So don't worry about it. If you find it annoying, take hold of a metal railing or a heater if it is grounded.


Thank you