Powerpoint presentation with two monitors via zoom?


Tomorrow afternoon I'll be giving a workshop online via Zoom. Since I'm showing a PowerPoint presentation, I would like to know how to do it instead of showing the full presentation on one screen and seeing the speaker view (with notes pages - important!) On my second screen. (I always have two screens connected anyway: one from the notebook (i.e. Computer) and another external larger one via HDMI.) That works without any problems. For the speaker view in PPT I made the appropriate settings in Powerpoint. I read more information on the net. I tried the examples, but there was only ever the corresponding image on one of my two monitors and never on both. In principle, I want to have the full view on one screen and, among other things, on the other. The notes pages. Any advice?


If I understand your question correctly:

So my experience is that you can only share one screen, whether with zoom or teams

you also have to consider that the bandwidth is currently limited and if webcam + audio has to go through.

In the meantime we have switched to omitting webcam in the company.