Access MyCloud as network storage when you are on the go?


I have a MYCLOUD EX2Ultra with 16TB for the company now I would like to set it up as network storage on the company laptops so that it can be accessed while on the move without having to access the cloud via the website or app.

In the home network it works without any problems to access the cloud as network storage.

The router is the newest Speeport.

The cloud is a MyCloud EX2 Ultra

Needs a step-by-step guide on how to do that with the router settings. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any current information on the Internet.


There are lots of instructions including videos even

Take a look here, for example


Thanks for the quick answer, I'm unfortunately not checking what I should do, there are mainly troubleshooting suggestions but I would like to access my network drive from anywhere in the world, I would need a manual, preferably in German, where it is described how I do it Router must set.


Then just have a look on google, then find eg