Raspberry Pi3 as Art FireTV Stick?


My dad likes to watch football (he looks at it with DAZN) but is not really PC-talented. I had the idea, since I have a Raspberry drive around at home, whether it is possible to use the thing as an Art FireTV stick. So very simple user interface, which can start apps (or accordingly DAZN).

Of course, it would be quite schnieke still with hand-control, but mainly I'm concerned, as simple as possible to start DAZN, especially since the connected laptop s.Television is very old and has very long loading times.
Are there any possibilities?
To program the whole thing out of nothing, I still lack the experience (Have only one year experiences with programming) … But if there's a kind of "instructions" for, like!



With this guide, it should work out what you want.



Try with Kodi that is designed exactly and can be controlled via Yatze with the phone via Wi-Fi.

I'm not sure if there's a plugin for Kodi which supports Dazn, eg Amazon Prime Video and Netflix is hard because the required libraries for decoding are not available for arm processors.

A corresponding distro for the Pi is eg OpenElec.




After a bit of research, Kodi 18 (Leia) DAZN is available as add-on.


Yes, then you should go with the version, but it may be that you have to compile yourself Kodi 18 on Raspbian, which could be difficult under certain circumstances wenns ned has been ported for arm.

Unfortunately, I have no idea which Kodiversion OpenElec is, but it is definitely the einakhste way, because if they have that's guaranteed.