How can I prevent the battery from breaking?


My laptop is always connected to the mains, rarely is worked without mains. I wanted to unload the battery again and recharge. So I did not turn on the power in the morning. Then there was the message. Your battery is low, connect it to the mains. Made as always. But it does not charge up… Shows 7% and network operation. I just made the computer, removed the battery and reinstalled. My concern now is that the computer may not work anymore. What can I do?


If the laptop is always on the power anyway you can take out the battery synonymous if that works fine on your laptop.

Just make sure that it is at 80% when you are in stock and unload and load again from time to time.


My concern now is that the computer may not work anymore

The synonymous goes without battery only with power supply.


If your battery is older than 6 months it will be difficult…

Collect some money and get yourself a new battery…

Unfortunately, you can't do anything - by the way, if there's 7%, it does not have to be 7%, but still - that's an indication that your battery is showing slow defects…


Who is already a few years old, can I leave the battery completely outside? The laptop is always in the same place… Like a normal PC


The laptop was already not turn on, I had to pull out all the plug, take out the battery, back in, connect everything again then he started up… That's why I think that the laptop will not boot up without battery, or?


No, then it's another problem. That would have to go completely without a battery.


OK. I'll give it a try, then get back to you…


Excellent, battery is outside, runs like a Lottchen, I have the impression even faster at startup… Thank you, I just wanted to risk nothing first… Lg beautiful 2nd Advent…