Would you theoretically allow me to buy a Nintendo?


-I ask this because I'm afraid to ask my parents, I ask you for an honest and not too hateful answer-

So I've wanted to buy a Nintendo for years. No switch, it's too expensive for me, I've been a fan of the classic Nintendo for many years. I've actually wanted one for about 5 years, but as a Christmas or birthday present that was too expensive for me personally.

I have had the money together for 3 years and would like to buy a new one from Willhaben. The price is reasonable, I have already found the right one.

Of course, I buy the games and all the equipment myself.

I also don't spend too much time on the laptop, on the Nintendo I would of course limit the time, how long that would be if I still had to clarify with my parents.

(and I don't have bad grades either, I tried particularly hard this school year)

Would you allow me?

Can I ask my parents?

Somehow I feel insolent, I don't know why, I want to buy it myself anyway, I'm kind of scared…


How old are you?




If I had a child and it has saved the amount diligently for 3 years, I see absolutely 0 reasons that would speak against it to allow this.

Just ask. That is 0 outrageous. In the worst case they say no, then that's the way it is.


It's even very commendable that you want that. Do not worry. It is your money so you can use it freely. If you want it then buy it for yourself.


Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo… Which console now? Nintendo is the company.


There's nothing wrong with talking to your parents about it. I think you should buy what you have saved for a long time. However, please talk to your parents about it, for example, if you buy one yourself, you are violating the pocket money paragraph.


Not so. Parents still have a say in the purchase of products above pocket money


Boy a nintendo? Lost


Do you mean me now?


There's no console called "Nintendo". As has been said, Nintendo is the company.


Which console?

a fan of the classic Nintendo

Sounds like NES to me. The classic version doesn't cost much either, and has a lot of games, so I wouldn't mind.


The Nintendo Classic consoles are no longer produced and the rest are becoming more and more expensive - believe the SNES Classic Mini already costs around 170 euro.


If you just google it, you get prices between 60 and 80 euro for the NES Mini.


I have these… It's not much fun. For Zelda it would take a card and it is also heavy. The side scrollers have always been too heavy, so you have to remember all your opponents to the second. The 8 bit devices also have very severe graphic restrictions, which negatively affects the game mechanics. Too bad that the SNES Mini is no longer produced, that was already 16 bit and well playable. I have the Mega Drive Mini and e.g. Wonderboy in Monsterland was a great game - unfortunately not playable because I couldn't find the way in the end. Sonic was again kagge because the screen is too small to run around quickly - you have to storm out practically blind.