Laptop error message, what can it be?


For a long time I have with my laptop a problem that is as follows:

During a session on the PC, no matter which app, program or application my laptop goes off. It appears for about 1sec the blue picture, or similar, s.u. This is followed by the Medion (black bid with Medion logo) logo and then he jumps into what used to be called bios. From the bios, I can't get out and must keep the ON / OFF switch pressed. The laptop turns off. After I press the switch again, the PC goes back up and it works as if it would not have been nichs. This happens about once a month. To fathom this I have written down the malfunctions, see photo.

Can someone help me?

Laptop error message, what can it be Laptop error message, what can it be - 1

Get someone who knows his stuff and checks the event viewer and other problem indicators.


Maybe that will help you:


One more hint: sometimes, not always, he hums up in front of the event.


That can be a lot. Here would be times, as advised below, a check of Windows with a repair program of advantage. Furthermore, let's check the hard drive over the Explorerer. Such a mistake, for example, comes to you if you work with a UMTS stick and leave the connection. Or if the hard drive is about to snap over and Windows accesses a defective area that is not displayed for the first time. When rebooting the computer, he then suddenly announces that he can't install Windows on the disk, because she reports that it will soon fail…

After the computer automatically goes into the BIOS, this could indicate a hardware error. In the BIOS, check whether the displayed hardware values agree with the reality (hard disk size, memory size, system time + date).