Quickly learn 10 finger key system?


I'm thinking of getting a notebook and would then like to learn the 10-finger system to write because it makes writing a lot faster. Now my question would be whether you (apart from practicing a lot) have tips on how to learn it quickly or how long it will take to learn (i.e. More than 1 week or 3 months, of course, depends on how I write but this way rough)


This is only possible with a lot of practice.


There's a good website called typingclup where you could read more…


So I learned the 10-finger-blind system on a typewriter after old school. Our teacher always had records with marching music, in whose rhythm we did the exercises.

How long does it take to learn to write 10 fingers?

If you want to learn the ten-finger system on your own, get good documents on this topic. If you practice for at least 1 hour each, you will master the 10-finger system within 3 weeks to such an extent that you can write mostly blindly.

What is the best way to learn to type with 10 fingers?

The easiest way to learn the 10-finger system is to spend some time every day on a corresponding learning program. Tip10, for example, would be a good candidate. The free tool is available as a web app and for Windows, macOS and Linux.


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