Speedport Smart 3 or which Fritzbox?


A friendly "hello".

I live "in the country" and have a max. Data transfer rate according to Telekom of 50 Mb / s, which I also booked today (previously: 16 Mb / s).

Also the router Speedport Smart 3 with 14 Tg.Right of return as a replacement for the ancient router Speedport W732 V.

Rental price of the router: 5.80 euro plus VAT.


Purpose (s):

1 x analog telephone

2 x DECT telephones

1 x analog fax

1 x LAN / PC


3 x cell phones

4 x tablet

2 x laptop

1 x VU box (similar to Dreambox)

1 x smart TV

2 x printer

Rooms: 2-family house, WLAN coverage is currently easily reached with 2 x simple WLAN repeaters for around € 10 / piece, router is decentralized at the front of the house.


Now I'm wondering whether I prefer to use the Fritzbox because of its supposedly better user-friendliness and in general.

Models that I think are possible:

Fritz box 7590

Fritzbox 7530


(a) Speedport vs Fritzbox (en) -> what do you specialists think about this?

(a) If Fritzbox: rent or buy?

Basically, I'm a fan of buying, renting has the advantage of not "standing in the rain" if the device is defective.

Is there anything else to consider that I forgot?

Thank you for reading in and for your information.


Take the 7590. Costs 170 euro new on ebay. If so, the full program.

If I would buy it, in the end it brings more, after 30 months full amortization and you can still sell it used.


Take the 7590 and buy it.

A year ago I got my Fritzbox 5490 from classified ads for 24 euro (converted), it was almost new and fully functional… Maybe you can shoot yours as cheaply as possible.

all connections as you wrote there are there, some only via adapter. But is included in the box.