Make laptop faster with external support?


I'm looking for a way to make my laptop, which is pretty well equipped, even faster. But I do not want to rebuild it, but only resort to external resources such as an external SSD when needed. It can also be a combination of several things. I found an external SSD with 880 MB / s, which should be very good. However, I wonder if there's not more. My goal is to be able to play games like Fallout 4, The Forest or, if possible, The Witcher 3 smoothly. Fallout 4 already works on the lowest settings, almost problem going on. I would be satisfied if it works completely without problems with "middle" graphics settings. My goal is to make my laptop as fast as possible. Do you have other ideas or experience with them? A friend of mine, once upgraded his memory. I already have 16GB Ram. Therefore, I think that would not be necessary anymore. In addition, if only by external aids. As far as I know, but that is not possible or?


If the processors do not give it up, it will not work. You could overclock at most, which is a very stupid idea for laptops.


So laptop is always such a thing…

With the SSD you already do a lot in the loading speed. However, the question is how do you want to connect the SSD. Under a USB 3.0, it is sinless in my opinion. Consider: What brings a fast SSD when the transfer to the laptop is lame?

To get into the middle graphics settings without a jerky do not need an SSD but a graphics card a GPU. There are external graphics cards for laptops but again the transmission speed from the GPU to the laptop is the question. So if you do not have a USB port that supports Thunderbold, forget the whole story and buy a box.


An external hard drive with USB (of any kind) would not accelerate anything, even eSATA (connection rather rare) should bring little or nothing. Internally, of course, an SSD is much better than a conventional hard drive. But it was not about internal rearmament. And the absolute sticking point, a better graphics card, of course, is not possible externally.