How can you dry a laptop very quickly when it gets wet?


How can you dry a laptop very quickly when it gets wet?


Oh yeah I hope your laptop isn't broken. If this is the case, I would put it in rice (this soaks up the liquid and possibly makes it run again). If it is still fully functional I would carefully rub it off with a towel.


Remove the battery immediately. Then bring it in for repair as soon as possible. And of course never turn it on while it's wet.


If liquid has run into the device, rice won't do much good either.


True, that helped my iphone magically.


Disconnect from the power / battery immediately! It's best to take him to a computer service. There are a few small shops.


Never switch on to see if it still works - I made the mistake once, it made "puff":-p
Remove the battery if possible
The best thing is to disassemble and remove all connectors - if there's water in it, corrosion can occur in the long term

For the latter point e.g. The "Maintenance Manuals" of the laptops can be helpful - in which every screw is shown and every step is explained. But it is sometimes difficult to get hold of. Otherwise repair service, buddy who knows his stuff, etc…


The battery out first and wipe everything roughly dry. Then pack them separately in bags of rice and leave them there for a few hours.

Or have a look here.