Neighbor Relationship - Uncertainty - Slowly Approaching?


I have a problem.

Here is my situation:

I live in a big house with student apartments, and just over a month ago I met my neighbor below me. (I hope he did not read this).

I will be in a few days 18 (trainee) and he is 25 and student.

Now we do not care about the age difference because we do not even notice it.

Since the first night where he helped me to work (4 weeks ago) on the laptop (where we're both just eingepennt) he sleeps every night with me.

It has almost become a habit that he sleeps with me.

We were already in bed together kissing and holding hands, etc.

However, we never go out great or do something.

My problem is that I'm starting to develop really serious feelings for him and he says he wants to take it slow (that's what I said to him first and then it came from him all of a sudden)

Although we were already in bed kissing us etc.

But I get completely contradictory signals, as I said the full dose of affection, but then say that he wants to take it slow.

Recently I tried to talk to him and we were both very drunk, and then we were with my friends on the way to the tank and I was pissed off. I simply ignored it for a while. At some point on the way, I wanted my peace and sat down on the street and just to be alone, and then I cried.

When asked what exactly we're and that he sends me contradictory signals he said that because of the University soon not so much time (as a reason for slow start) what I said that I do not care if I saw him again and again, (besides, until he has to go back to college a few more months but ok)

Then he said to me the next morning (he had still slept with me) that he does not know if he wants to experience something like this again.

He also told his parents about me shortly after getting to know each other.

When my grandfather called me last night and asked if I was with him now, I answered no.

He was lying next to me and asked me what my grandpa asked.

Then I told him that I said no to the question of my grandfather and he meant "good".

I'm not looking through it anymore.

I want to know what I'm and what I should do.

Just 3-4 months ago, when I came from a long-standing relationship in which I even lived with my ex, all of this came unexpectedly to me because I was not looking.

However, it fits so well with him that I'm just confused.

What is your opinion on the story?

What do you think I should do? Because I really like him very much.


The question what exactly we're

This question should be answered before going to bed together.

When you get close to each other without knowing what you really mean, it's no wonder that the feelings develop very contradictory.

This one:

Then I told him that I said no to the question of my grandfather and he meant "good".

shows very clearly that your relationship is not binding on him; Anyway, someone who is in love does not say from the beginning that he has little time - that's not the case at all.

Be aware of what you want - there will not be a serious relationship with your student, and if you do not want to be just a pastime, then you should end it all


He said it only now after four weeks that he does not have that much time anymore


Thanks, I'll take a look at the situation for a while


Lead clarifying conversation


I've tried a few times and always get spongy or evasive answers