Intolerance of uncertainty. How can I improve that?


I'm struggling to recover from "uncertain events triggered by stupid mistakes". Today I had spontaneously eaten a kebab. However, I had to go to the toilet very quickly before eating. Then I did and it was very fast but I noticed while I was on the toilet that not only my school bag but also my laptop is at my seat and I immediately had the feeling that the potential for theft was present but fortunately there was nothing happens. But usually I always pay attention and I would have taken the laptop bag to the bathroom. Schoolbag now nciht because who steals school books but well that feeling that "he could have been stolen" excites me on animal. Although absolutely everything is secured on my laptop and it would not have happened to my e-mail but still. This uncertainty that it could have been "is an annoying feeling for me. How can I handle this?

Although I'm religious Muslim of the "Allhamdulilah" So thank you God says and can take everything because of my faith but well it annoys anyway. I'm mad at myself for not paying attention. And even if I was on toilet for less than a minute and even if the doner shop was almost empty, somehow it still upset me in retrospect. But now I have to go forward again so I would need some advice.

Apparently, my head just wants the decision reversed just so I have "security". Normal people say "well my laptop is still there, so everything is fine" but I'm excited about the potential situation so my laptop with which I just wrote this question could be stolen yes because I went without him to the toilet in the doner shop but It was not like that but the fact that could have happened there just because I forgot it annoys me animal and I have a headache and I do not know how to spend the rest of the day and so on. What should I do?


You are a human, not a robot and not a machine.

Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is flawless. Keep telling yourself that it's normal to make a mistake, it happens to everyone. Assume that you can't be perfect in everything and forgive yourself your mistakes.

Try to take some mistakes with humor if they were not bad.

For other mistakes like the school bag and the laptop, you can learn from it and tell you: It will not happen to me again!

Also make aware that committed mistakes can't be reversed - whether you laugh or cry about it does not matter because it has already happened and is no longer changeable. So you can see it positively and learn from it.


I would not see the loss of my laptop as a "bad mistake" but rather "stupid" because a "bad mistake" for me can only be the harm of another person or myself. However, yes, I made the mistake and I see it also positive. Although you can't improve the error you can "but not worsen it". And yes, that definitely does not happen to me again.