Can't reach website, are the servers down or are there any other reasons?


During the day I tried to access a particular website several times and each time I got the error that the website took too long to respond.

At first I thought that the problem was with my notebook. Tried a few things that you can find on the Internet / on Youtube about this problem, nothing works. I can't access the site on my cell phone, even with mobile data.

If I asked someone else if they could call up the page, it didn't work for him either.

Is a little strange, the operators of the site (without wanting to mention the name directly, don't worry, nothing illegal) are actually a bigger company. Therefore, the question arises to me whether they are having problems with their servers and therefore it does not work or whether there could be other reasons as well.

P.S: I contacted the company's Twitter account earlier, whether that will help is questionable, but who knows…


Server down, network node gone, data center gone.
There's everything.

And above all, medium to large companies certainly don't invest a lot of money in their external infrastructure if they don't have to.


And what do you expect now what you are told without you naming the site?

Look if you can find the page here:

Otherwise you can check the page again here to really rule out that it's up to you:


Tried isitdownrightnow, result: the website is down.


Yes, then it must be switched off or whatever.