Is emigration from Egypt to Germany a radical change?


My brother is a civil engineer there. He works on construction sites 6 days a week. 10-12 hours. Not much money. He had recently taken EUR 50 from me because of his new commitment and despite my father being rich.

My friend is an electrical engineer. He works on the maintenance of complex machines every day. Eg gets an order to repair a problem with a complex machine. He invests a lot of energy for hours until he does it to get little money at the end while a customer service representative gets 12 EUR per hour + only to answer emails and even complains when some customers are annoying even though my friend doesn't complain that the problems of the machine are annoying. He can't easily buy an expensive laptop, especially because the currency difference is large. I sent him a smart watch and he was as happy as heaven because he wanted to.

I also enjoy better infrastructure in Germany. Trams and buses and streets are very modern and comfortable. They suffer from traffic jams, outdated vehicles and infrastructure.


You emigrated yourself, so you will know best.


But you have the pyramids down there in Egypt, you can't do them bit by bit, as we e.g. Selling Black Forest cuckoo clocks or small parts of the Berlin Wall?


I think the difference is radically high. That's unfair.


I guess but you can probably judge that better than anyone else here…

However, inform in advance that the professions of your brother and friend require a BEng qualification in DE, it may be that your BAs / diplomas are not readily recognized here or that you still have to make up for certificates, there may also be other hurdles such as language skills (probably at least B2 in the area). Family reunification, if they have their own, often takes years, which can also be a heavy burden.

So, yes, completely relocating your food means massive change and should be carefully considered beforehand. Of course, a higher standard of living also entices better infrastructure and a good security situation, but family, friends, language and socio-cultural factors are also important goods.

And of course it also depends on what types your brother & friend are, people who are adventurous, like to travel and experience new things will be a step easier than people who feel most comfortable in the lap of the family.


You don't want to come to DE.


Well, then you have your answer… Just because things work well for you, they don't have to do that for others. I also couldn't imagine e.g. To live in Japan, Taiwan or a completely different culture.


That is not an answer. And again: if you don't get along with the standards and rules here, you can always go back.


It's none of your business and you can't even discuss that with me.


Now comes this attempt to keep my mouth shut? If you don't want someone to answer here, don't ask a question.

And again: if you come to this country and deliberately commit crimes and cause damage, then it is very important to me.


What is this baseless assumption "if you come to this country and deliberately commit crimes and cause damage"?


This is not a prejudice, but arises from the questions under various accounts.


This is not without reason.

Take a look at his questionnaire. The user is known for it here.


I think the difference is radically high. That's unfair.

What is unfair about it?

Work has been going on in this country for many generations.

These possibilities would have been available in Egypt. But if you don't want to make an effort to achieve something, you won't achieve anything. Very easily. There's nothing unfair about that.


This is not without reason, it is the result of his multi-account history.