Youtube hangs and computer buzzes, stops responding?



I got a brand new laptop during the summer holidays. However, he already makes problems now. When I watch Youtube, the video often stops, so it does not stop properly, but it hangs. The mouse pointer is either not visible and does not react when I'm fidgeting on the pointer pad, or it's visible, but it stops in place. The laptop makes strange noises. Mostly it is a continuous buzzing sound, but sometimes it makes high frequency buzzing. I've also had it, that both video and sound are moving only very slowly and stuttering.

The only thing that helps is always to turn off the computer and reboot. He does not respond to anything other than the off button on his attacks, not even on sleep mode.

This is totally annoying, but today it has happened three or four times. Is he broken? I've already looked, if I have magnets on the desk, because they are supposed to destroy electronic devices. But I have no lying around. And as I said, the guy is not even half a year old. Before, I had a discarded one from my father's company. My sister has it now. That is, he is really quaint, but still works well.

Am I doing something wrong? Do I have a stupid reception? But the old one worked fine, even though it was in the same place. Or is he just broken?


In extreme cases, the laptop simply does not have enough power to play the videos. Would like to know which technical data he has.

Otherwise, you can install a graphics card driver update, should one be present. Once helped a friend.

Do not be angry. He apparently struggles a lot with the video. What you can do is to use a RAM-saving browser like Edge or even Internet Explorer. Chrome consumes a lot of memory should this be the case.

Can you try everything?


Hi. I would recommend you to lower the graphics settings to low. Go to System Settings "Graphics or Graphics Card Settings". If it still spins then possibly format computer or reset to factory settings.


That can have various reasons:

Hardware too bad
Hardware overheated
other program loads hardware heavily (e.g., virus or anti-virus program)
look in the event viewer, what is so under application and system errors

Magnets also have little effect on hardware, especially if no hard drive is installed, then it hardly bothers. A hard drive will still work if it is held up during operation with a 70KG magnet