Why doesn't my steering wheel work on my PC, but it does on another?


A few days ago I got a Thrustmaster TMX Pro and I have the problem that although I installed the driver from the official Thrustmaster website, it works in the Thrustmaster control panel, but is not recognized in the games.

Now I tried it on my father's new laptop and everything worked fine in the games. Could there be any programs on my PC preventing the drivers from being installed correctly? If yes, which? Or is it something else?


Already looked in the device manager if there's something displayed?


Yes, it is displayed there and it is recognized in the control panel.


This is because of the connection where it was connected to me so it had to change


So should it work on a different USB slot?


No, still does not work…


Hm typically bring it to repair and ask what it is and how expensive it would be to react or to change
Sorry because of the spelling in Las Vegas because the writing is different


Why should I take it for repair or exchange? It works on the laptop.

And why you have spelling problems in Las Vegas, I don't quite understand 🤔