How can I deactivate my defective keyboard?


My laptop suffered water damage (rain) and the keyboard no longer works. I'm now continuing to work with an external keyboard. But the old keyboard can't be deactivated and keeps doing uncontrolled things while I work.

Can someone tell me how to disable my old keyboard?

According to the google instructions, it didn't work (via control panel, etc.)


Exchange or buy new one.


You can deactivate the keyboard driver via the device manager.


If there's no guarantee, unscrew the laptop and disconnect the flex cable from the keyboard. Most of the time, the keyboard and touchpad or mouse are two flex cables, so that the "mouse" should continue to work.

Could it be easier if it works under Device Manager to deactivate the keyboard?

If that wasn't meant by control panel etc


When did the guarantee or warranty come into effect in the event of water damage / rain?


Right, had water damage, then the guarantee is invalid anyway.


As Delld630 wrote,

if you can't deactivate it via the device manager, then simply open the notebook and pull out the flex cable.

In normal cases, however, this should not permanently disturb at least when it has dried through.

You can also try to order a new keyboard for your notebook

and then swap them.