How can I download anime?


I've been a pretty long otaku and so far I've always downloaded my anime via open load or stream mango to bs .to (nobody has to make it clear to me that it's illegal because I know it myself) to put it on my USB stick Always on the go (can't use a DVD), but these platforms no longer exist, which is why I'm now facing a problem…

I first tried it on the anime loads via the J Downloader, but it takes a long time (one episode takes 4 hours) and the downloads break off, which is very annoying in the long run because I can't sit on the laptop 24/7 , I myself have almost no money available, which is why I try it free of charge.

I ask for a few suggestions so that I can watch anime in good quality and fast download time in the future.


Netflix and WAKANIM offer a download function for their titles. And that you have no money for your hobby is pretty much no matter how it works. Then find another, cheaper hobby.


There's a simple method that I do not want to name. You have to discover it yourself

otherwise you have to look for something else


I've tried and researched a lot, but I'm not really getting anywhere…


Can you answer my lz question that I asked because you know a lot about anime.


You can download from Wakanim, but only with a VIP subscription. (5 euro / month)


As already described, I would need a free way because my parents don't pay anything and I still don't earn any money 🙈