Laptop keeps freezing and losing internet connection?


My laptop has been freezing for a long time (for a really long time) and can then no longer be operated, and when a video is playing it emits a whirring noise. I then have to shut it down by holding the on / off button for 15 seconds. But as if that wasn't enough, he has spontaneously lost the internet connection several times a day for several months. Most of the time I have to restart it several times until there's an internet connection again.

However, it can't be malware or something, because this problem has existed for a very, very long time, and Windows keeps telling me that no viruses were found.

What else could that be? What can I do to put an end to this?


I once had a similar problem - for me it was due to the poor internet connection! - Because the same notebook on a different line - and everything went wonderfully!


Maleware can be very good. If a virus or the like has infected a system, they very often attack the virus scanner in order to be able to do everything they were created for.

To rule this out, you would have to create a start CD / stick from a system that is as clean as possible, then insert this CD / stick into your laptop and boot from it.

Furthermore, the Windows scanner was absolutely underground in the 2020 test. The live protection did a much better job (still much less than professional scanners), but scanning the hard disk was absolutely underground.

It could also be due to many other things, but the symptoms could actually come quite well from a massive virus-infected PC.

To get further with the diagnosis I would recommend e.g. Download the Gdata trial version (on a PC other than yours, which does not cause any problems), create the stick / CD there and scan your system with it.