Hello people i'm not so familiar with the technology and have a question i actually wanted to put on vr glasses for roblox a game that doesn't need any special power from the pc so here is the information
processor: Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU B980 @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
system type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
VR always needs more power than just playing the game. With roblox that might work, but everything else certainly doesn't work.
Yes that is clear to me, of course, but is that enough for roblox without it crashing every second?
No way
Google "Roblox VR Requirements". If that has VR support at all times.
But the game is nothing that needs high performance so i can play with my laptop problem-free
Unfortunately i can't find anything.
Find nothing seriously? I'm getting angry here, everybody wants to fool me today?
Hello you can play the game, but not with VR glasses, that's something completely different, I own one myself, I've already tested that game.
Oh you found it, i beg your pardon.
What a shame.