Online interview?


After my aptitude test, I received an invitation to an online job interview. Now I have the problem that I don't know whether I have to do this on my laptop or on my cell phone. The problem with my laptop is that my camera is very bad. And I'm generally afraid that my internet will crash. Do you have any tips for my online interview?


It also depends on the type of position you are applying for. It looks more professional from a laptop than from a cell phone. But I would point out at the beginning of the conversation that your Inet may not be that good - if the connection really breaks off. If you have to do it from your cell phone, please don't hold it in your hand. Look for a quiet place, turn off your mobile phone, check the camera perspective and also pay attention to a calm background… Take a look at Youtube - there are now very good videos on the subject of "Coming across in a video conference"


Has already had many online job interviews.

Personally, I've made the experience that it is better on a mobile phone / tablet, at least if you are not often on the laptop and are not 100% familiar with it.

Here are a few more tips:

1. Prepare yourself well and learn everything little, i.e. The answers and sentences that have not been completely memorized.

2. Don't think that you can put down a sheet of paper and take a quick look. You see that and then you're too nervous.

3. Try it a day in advance, get familiar with the program (Zoom; MicrosoftTeams etc.)

4. Good lighting conditions are important and the background does not have to be 100% all white.

5. If you choose to do it on your laptop, get a land cable. Would only be for safety.

6. If you don't live alone, tell everyone to leave the house 😂 Have had a very bad experience with it.

Otherwise stay cool.


Can you tell me specifically which questions came up often


In my experience there are 2 types of online job interviews.

Which go 20min and others 1 hour.

For the short:

1. Briefly introduce

2. Why the job

3. Questions about the certificate (if necessary)

4. (Maybe) strengths & weaknesses

5. (Even less likely) Why the company

For longer:

1. Brief introduction

2. Why the company?

3. History of the company

4. Why the job

Why should they take you?

5. In between through a few stressful questions

6. Questions about the job (not a lot) e.g. If you want to become an electronics technician, most of them ask about what, volts; amps; watts "and maybe the Ohmic law. So not much

7. Questions about the certificate

[8th. In general, know almost EVERYTHING about the company:

-How many employees

-Founder & year of foundation

-What is produced

- Annual sales

And everything that goes with it

It should also be mentioned that the questions are very sector-dependent. E.g. In the hospital you can't name the "turnover".