I hardly understand math?


I wanted to ask for tips on how I can do better in math.

I'm really not good at it. I don't understand anything about apps for mobile phones or laptops to learn math, in class I don't understand anything even if my teacher explains it to me several times, but I'll soon go to a math tutoring in my school.

Nevertheless I wanted to ask if I can get some tips.


Tutoring is really the best. You will have to wait for it to start. Well, what you could do is repeat the basic arithmetic of the elementary school again. Look for relevant material on YouTube.


Go back until you understand something.

From there you can continue to work your way forward


Which class is up?

Either tutoring or suitable books


I'm in the sixth class.


I once wrote a fairly detailed answer on the subject.

Mathematics is easy because it is completely logical. Mathematics is difficult because it is completely logical. This is the logical structure for one, but not for the other. If you manage to free yourself from the shackles of the view and "what can you do with it", you have taken the first step in the right direction.


What struck me about M16 is that now that I get older I understand a lot more than 2-3 years ago. Things are starting to make sense. It now seems to me that my brain was previously confused and I could not organize the information. It's hard to describe but it feels like I'm waking up from a half sleep. By half-sleep phase I mean the feeling that you have when you are totally tired and almost fall asleep. You get something, but you don't notice anything and don't really understand it. The problem, however, is that I have to make up for some things and that I want to clarify without tutoring.

I can only advise you to go back so far in the subject matter until you have arrived where you understand something. And another tip is that you don't have to be embarrassed to ask and to insist on repeating material, even if it is from the 5th grade.