Right laptop for studying?


Since I started studying this year, I now want to get a laptop for the university.

I study at a technical university and would need the laptop among other things to simulate electronic circuits, programming and surfing.

Privately, I would also like to play a few games (LoL, CS: GO, …) nothing graphically breathtaking. However, these games should work fine!

So far I have been able to find these models…




Maximum I would like to invest 800 euro.

What do you think the laptops are okay or can you get even better models for this price range?


Used Thinkpads are the best you can get in price / performance.

Otherwise, there's a convertible, yoga or just a surface.

In any case, would definitely pay attention to the size and weight. Many underestimate this.


In general I find the Surface Pro awesome for studying, laptop and digital notebook in one. In addition it is super light compared to almost all laptops and also very thin. It is also super easy to write down by hand, to draw sketches and diagrams and so on. On a normal laptop you would need much longer for something like that.

However, you probably will not find the Surface Pro 7 under 1000 euro (with Typecover and Surface Pen) in this country. The link is from the American website with USD prices. However, I think that's worth it, because a Surface Pro is an ingenious companion for studying in all sorts of situations. Very flexible and you can always have it with you because of the low weight. I do not want to give it up anymore.


I study Electrical Engineering in the 3rd semester at the TU Dortmund and get out wonderful without a laptop. Worksheets etc. Can I also look at the phone and to simulate electronic circuits, I can recommend the mobile app EveryCircuit. A colleague of mine takes (on normal days) only a water bottle, so not even a backpack.

So my tip is to start studying and then decide how much you need to spend a lot of money on a laptop.