Corona restrictions, can you cross the state borders?


I'm a student at a university in Bavaria and was with my parents when the Corona measures came into effect in (Baden-Württemberg).

Due to the somewhat confusing situation, I stayed in Baden-Württemberg for the time being because my main residence is here, the study residence is only the second residence.

Now the universities have started their studies again (currently digital until July / August) and meanwhile I need some things from my apartment in Bavaria, because otherwise I can't continue my studies meaningfully (or the financial burden to buy things again are high).
(Books, printer, laptop, documents, access data, summer clothes etc., what you need)

Now I don't find any helpful information about this type of "travel". You shouldn't travel, especially not to another state.

In my case, is there an exception that I can drive from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria, get the things and then go back to Baden-Württemberg?

(I don't want to sit tight in Bavaria on 12sqm without a kitchen, that would be a disaster)


You just need a good reason.

(3) Good reasons within the meaning of paragraph 2 are in particular:

1. The exercise of professional activities,

2. (…)

1The police are required to check compliance with the exit restriction.
2In the event of a check, the relevant reasons must be substantiated by the person concerned.

For you I would say that is a sufficient reason according to No. 1. To continue your studies, you just need your laptop and your access data.

If you are checked, you should have your student ID ready. Ideally, a paper with your address of the place of study on it, since the home address is probably noted in the ID card.