Amplifier makes strange noises near the pc's?


I've been playing electric bass for a few weeks now and whenever my laptop and my amplifier are on it makes strange noises.

Can you fix that?


This is probably due to the electromagnetic fields that interfere with each other. If you have a Win10 Pc / laptop, switch it to flight mode and then turn on the Wi-Fi. This reduces the electromagnetic fields. Mfg Moritz


Thanks I'll try

One last question would it bother you even less with lan kabel?


Yes, because Ethernet does not send waves or it is healthier because you will not be exposed to radiation. In addition, the boxes should not be right next to the PC. And a little tip: check if a cable of the PC touches a cable from a box. That shouldn't be the case. So give it a try with flight mode and Ethernet (or Wi-Fi) and make sure that no cables touch you or run right next to each other.


Is it less of a problem when you use the laptop on battery power?


I'll see you later in advance thanks


Really only works when Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are completely off

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