Everything feels strange and as in a dream?


The text here is probably going to be a bit longer now. I hope you take the time to read it to me because I have a problem with which I do not know how to handle so easily And that for about a year already. No matter what I do, no matter what I do, I talk to someone, I watch a movie. Just do not care. What's going on in my life at any time, everything feels to me like it's a dream, nothing feels real like I have one Veil or a glass in front of the face. Sometimes I just do not feel anymore I just talk to myself as if I were driven. I do not have depression or anything, I just do not know why that is. My thoughts and memories are also very strange. You know it but surely when he was drunk And you tried to remember back What you have done everything in time, And so it is with me with memories and thoughts And this feeling that is nothing real That I feel stunned and how a dream, gets worse every day. I once talked to my mother about it, I'm relatively much on the phone and on the laptop she said that it could get away with it because my brain could not handle it all if I'm so much on the laptop and on the phone. I'm just trying to barely use my phone for three weeks now and to completely omit the laptop. I hope it gets better I really do not remember what to do, because if it does not get better then we'll go to the doctor soon.


Hallo.ein acquaintance of mine had even had epileptic seizures since he was continuously on the PC / mobile phone was active. This was found in a university hospital in the Netherlands.

Just take a break and if not better then contact the attending physician to clarify.


Please introduce yourself to your GP, he will take the appropriate steps and possibly refer you to a neurologist. Remote diagnosis is not possible. And please no Internet research, consider who has 2 coughs, has a bronchial carcinoma.Lung cancer). All the best!


You seem to have a lot of idea about it.


Unfortunately less than I would like. I hope that I will get more idea in the relatively near future. For me, at least in recent years has been very interesting, what is offered at the SLA Aarau, to realize appropriate opportunities that others consider impossible, even if to my knowledge, this academy so far "only" on the gift of healing (last Category in verse 9 of the link contained in the answer).

At the moment I'm still in the financial preparation phase (and this will probably stay the same for the next 2 or 3 years), both for a seminar lasting several months at this academy (SLA Aarau, which you can google and there are also videos on it on Youtube), as well as for a subsequent physics study. (Why only this seminar and then the study is due to the fact that I would like to carry out this seminar for a gift actually mentioned in verse 10, just to find the corresponding confidence, because only I still lack the confidence to do so I'm worried that it would be harder for me to find the confidence I needed, but I also have an interest in research and development, as well as some intuitive knowledge of various useful technologies, which I would need to study In order to apply this knowledge as practically as I would previously need the seminar at the SLA Aarau, in order to find the necessary confidence SLA by the way means the Supernatural Life Academy, which refers to the opportunities promised especially in the Gospels to realize the spiritual gifts, and to do this according to the c to use pastoral values, especially charity and helpfulness.)

It may be that this seems somewhat inconsistent now, considering my answer, but in the sense that I have written in this commentary, I'm still myself in a much needed phase of preparing for a progression that I already have long for.

In other respects, maybe I have a slightly better perspective, also with regard to the topic, which you also suggest in your question - at least I have the feeling that the conversation is asking another question, based on my answer there, maybe interesting for you as well could be - see. If you have any personal questions on the latter topic that are more in-depth about the "matter" than is already in the comments or the answer to the link just inserted, I'd like to ask you to send me a friend request so we can talk about personal messages can write accordingly. After all, there are many here who regard such things as nonsense and spare no effort to deal with such thematically destructive comments - if you understand what I mean.


Many thanks for the asterisk.