What should I do? Was it the right decision to let the relationship rest for now?


(First of all, I don't like to ask questions here and only do that to find out what outsiders say)

So it's like that I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 9 months, he's over 18 and I'm under 16 I don't say anything more.

I've been on vacation for the past 2 weeks and spent the entire time with him. The first week we did a lot, the second we chilled, but we often (in the first week) clashed against each other when he got into a negative mood, unfortunately he is currently going through a difficult time in life, his favorite club will probably be die and he's been a fan for decades, his friends barely get in touch, he probably doesn't pass his studies and he is very dissatisfied with his body.

Often, however, I don't understand him because why should they be friends if they don't want to do anything with him?

Things come and go, that's life.

And mostly he cares what others think of him, but why? I mean it should only be important what people think of him who are important to him…

He also gets a lot of bad luck, for example his laptop was stolen this year or my bike was stolen from him recently because I had lent it to him, and the bike even belonged to my father…

Although he takes responsibility, he behaves as if a 13 year old boy was who was just beaten in school…

I'm sorry for everything, I try to cheer him up so that he feels better… But sometime it's enough… The day before yesterday he felt bad because he noticed again that he didn't like his body, I tried to tell him this with FACTS not true but he just contradicted and didn't listen to me… And he often drove against me, then I freaked out and listed all the characteristics of him that are bad about him…

The next day (yesterday) he felt even worse, and then I wanted to cheer him up too, and I wrote long texts describing how much I love him… The first sentence after many messages was "listen to my password change "where I do it doesn't matter but that hit me then I said" don't be so selfish "and well then he freaked out again…

Well at the end of the day I just couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't be helped… And well then I said I needed a break, and as long as he doesn't have his life under control it won't end either…

But yesterday I had a wonderful dream with him, the dream confused me… Was it the right decision? Or what should I do?

I love him no less because of all of them, I also love him with his bad qualities…


If you already have such vibes after 9 months, then I think you can… Let it be.

Wasn't the first and probably won't be the last.

With something like "relationship break" I personally always feel sick.


You don't let a relationship "rest" and there's no "break" either.
It's over, so don't think about it anymore. And to be honest: you're better off without it. He's already 18 on paper


Why do you say that?


Because you should hear it and you asked me for advice.


I do not know. I think what I have / had with him is something special and you don't often find it…

Simply because we're so similar and get along so well…

If he listened we would never have had an argument anyway…


But why should I be better off without him? I mean being happy is the best there's and thanks to him I had such wonderful feelings…

And thanks to him I had managed to end my one very bad friend's friendship because he made me know that I'm never alone


It's a tricky story.

Your boyfriend lacks confidence, and he's just a big kid.

As long as he doesn't grow up, you'll have a lot of work to do with him.

But you love him so you have to go through it.

I strongly advise you not to take a break from your relationship.


I do not know. I think what I have / had with him is something special and you don't often find it…

If after just 9 months there's something like this in the room then it is nothing "special", as you mean. It's just exhausting. You think you have to help him and he doesn't want to be helped but rather sink into a sea of self-pity. That would be too much for ME and I would withdraw then he can cry into his pillows at home and feel very sorry for himself.


Because obviously he can't make you happy.


But not when he's down


Why do you advise me against it? How can I help him grow up?


Of course that can be something special…


Yes, you read that and "under 16" I thought so too.


Dear, he has to understand that on his own. And a break in a relationship goes wrong in most cases.


No. Otherwise you would not have these problems - they have nothing to do with his "dejection".

Find one your age and take more time with such topics in the future.


Which topics?

Those are his problems, where I want to help but I can't help


How do you know it's nothing special?

He has already done an action for me where you think it only exists in films.

And as I said, we're a perfect match if it weren't for those little marks


All the best for you!


I'm a fighter and I fight for what I love…


The topic RELATIONSHIP was meant.


My brother has been in a relationship for about as long as me and he only knew the girl 1 week before they got into a relationship (he's 20)

I knew my boyfriend 1-2 months beforehand


You are not your brother One has nothing to do with the other - especially if you are so much younger.


Why? Just because I'm so young I can't make a decision or how? And don't have a boyfriend or what? Not determining my life or how? Age rarely has anything to do with whether one is mature… I know many who are still very young in terms of their views… And your views are: outdated and clearly linked to prejudices


No, because you are young you still have a lot to learn. This was a learning process, so learn something from it.

And that you are NOT as mature as you think, your unnecessary discussion here with me already tells me.

You asked for advice, but what you were getting to hear wasn't what you wanted to hear. Sorry, that's why what I'm saying is no less true.

And no, it's not a prejudice, it's my life experience - which, by the way, you wanted to be a part of after asking here.


I never said that I was mature I just said that age doesn't have to have anything to do with it. And I'm right, you don't even know what maturity means…

I know but I just asked and since we have freedom of expression, my opinion can also be that yours is wrong in my eyes.

Experiences split because they only make sense for you, others collect other wisdom and just because I have less does not mean that I know less. You can also have some experience without being 52.

And yet it is a prejudice because you claim with this statement that I'm not able to tell other people what is good for them… It is a prejudice because you do not know me…


DmS 🥰




Are we of one opinion again, mS.❤❤