Feeling bad about a dream?


Just had a funny dream…

I lived with my mother and was doing an important job on the laptop and I was sitting at my desk. Then a few unknown children came to visit, who then turned up the radio and danced right next to my desk. The kids did that in the dream for several days and always on the days when I had to do a job on the laptop. Anyway, then I'm completely exhausted on the third day and have hit in front of the children with a hammer on the radio and destroyed it. Then the children started to break my things with a hammer, first my mobile phone, then my TV and finally my laptop. Then I took the hammer from a girl and hit her with a strong punch on the forehead. I really wanted to hit it hard, but then I realized that this is wrong and I have beaten a bit easier - but still pretty tight. The child had a small 'impact crater' on his forehead after the blow (but did not look realistic) and started to cry. After Schlag, I noticed that I made a serious mistake and I left in fear.

Am I a bad person because I did that? Of course I know that it was just a dream and I would never do that in real life. But does not that still show my true nature as a human being?

Have to say that in the dream my inhibition to do risky things is much lower. For example, I can address women easily or fight for example against people who think of me physically or also like to rob a bank from time to time…


It was a dream. But the emotions still burden the day and often even last longer. They scare you. Were you the one who struck? Who has completely lost control, snapped, simply reacted without consideration and consideration?

You should ask yourself which construction site is your most important and burdensome right now, analyze your present situation, consider exactly what might have triggered the dream.

Something works in you and in a dream you could smash it, but it was not good, it was worse than before.

The dream does not mean that you are a violent thug. He makes you thoughtful and that's what you should do.


I do not think you have to be afraid to be a bad person just because it's like that in your dreams. But if it bothers you, you can go to the psychologist


I can understand that you are feeling bad, the brain sometimes makes things in the dream a bit exaggerated. I interpret the dream so that I assume you are currently under stress and want to finish something or have a lot of work ahead of you. The "kids" may be in your dream kids making the radio and dancing, in real life it can be anything that bothers you or makes you angry, think about what it might be. The disengagement and destruction I interpret so that you might want to throw everything at the moment because you are overwhelmed. I do not know your situation, I just interpret. Is my interpretation partly correct?

It is important to look what triggers the dream, become aware of your present situation and reflect your thoughts and your actions.