Leave your laptop on at night?


I have had severe problems falling asleep since my breakup and had got used to falling asleep while watching TV. Now the TV is broken and I watch my series on the laptop. Unfortunately it is a very old laptop with a small "spinner" that it has to hang permanently on the charging cable. Can I leave the laptop on at night? (possibly with a timer that switches off after 1 hour or so / power saving mode or something else) or is this too dangerous due to overheating? Does anyone have any experience?


If your laptop overheats, it's a good idea to clean it. Especially with old laptops, it is quite possible that there's a thick layer of dust in front of the fan. Much like this sieve part that you find in the tumble dryer.

Otherwise that's not a problem at all.

Oh yeah - make sure the thing is on a hard surface. Table, book, wooden board, etc. Not on the bed or something.