How much do you need on the high edge to sleep peacefully at night?



Am m 21 and wonder how some people with eg 3000 euro in total assets can sleep peacefully at night. What if a car breaks down or a washing machine or something else. Sure, some simply can't save, but there are also many who could rather live it than save a little so that there's money when something is due.

I could not sleep peacefully with "only" 3000 euro in the account or savings account (should not come across as if it is little for me that is also a lot of money), I'm somehow calmer when I know I'm in the middle five-digit range and can buy a new car if mine is broken or buy a new laptop or whatever comes up suddenly.

What do you think? How much do you need on the high edge to sleep peacefully at night?


How much do you need on the high edge to sleep peacefully at night?

because what use is the high edge when I'm depressed, alone, sick or have other worries?

with money i can't buy friends, health etc.

I can sleep peacefully at night when my husband is next to me and both of us are in good health.

money helps in many things. But in a lot of things not.

if money is the only reason you get up in the morning and the only reason you fall asleep well in the evening, you've done something wrong in life.


The last sentence is absolutely true!


It is enough for me that I earn enough to make it through the month. You would probably understand that even less than the example you mentioned. If I can't sleep peacefully, there are usually other reasons than money worries - mostly, but not always.

I have a car and it is far from a new car, but it doesn't cost me 3000 euro to have it repaired. I also have a moped and a bike and I can lend a hand to all three of them myself.


I only need so much that I have enough food for at least a month and the rent can be paid. The period is usually enough to find a way to overcome financial crises.

In my case, this would be the need for accommodation + basic security rate determined by the Office. So for me about 780 euro.

A broken laptop can be quickly replaced by a cheap used one. So you don't have to have a new one… You can save on the new one while using the used one…

For extreme cases such as a broken washing machine, I can get a loan from the office or from friends. So here, too, I don't have to have the money in stock. I just have to reliably pay the agreed rates, otherwise nobody will give me anything… 🙃


Because what use is the high edge when I'm depressed, alone, sick or have other worries?

Money is a problem solver and can also be very helpful in these situations


Money is a problem solver

people who think that have no serious problems.


Do you want to explain my life to me?


Do i want this?


People who think that have no serious problems.

How else do you come up with something like that?


Is my opinion. And related to general.


I do not share your opinion.