On some days I lack the strength! Why?


On some days I have the feeling that I really have no strength for nothing anymore and that I could really just stay in bed. So not even more power to lie down somewhere or sit down. Not this normal no force, but really the fatigue syndrome, where nothing works. Nothing more. I just turned on the laptop with great difficulty. Writing is just as difficult for me. In the morning I do not want to get out of bed and take half an hour to get up. Earlier in school, I was immediately awake and highly motivated. So in the morning. Now I need 2 hours to wake up. Is that normal? I have an appointment with a neurologist soon, because I also have anxiety disorders, should I tell him these shortcomings? That affects me a bit in the world of work? Or not? What do you say?


I would go with the symptoms to my GP. He can help me. Furthermore, I would reflect on my lifestyle: Do you eat healthy? Do you drink enough? Do you do things you enjoy? I would turn my entire life around!


Let's make a blood test, if you have deficiency symptoms


It is popularly described as depression. So talk to your doc what moves you, or does not move


At the family doctor or neurologist?


Eat regularly with my parents in the evening, because we usually can't make it at lunchtime. I do a lot of drinking. Always milk in the morning and 2-3 glasses of water for lunch. At the weekend sometimes more or less. Yes, I started some new hobbies, which I actually enjoy. But strange with 2 hours to wake up in the morning or? When things got better earlier?


Then there's something wrong. Let clarify! At the general practitioner.


He sends me to the neurologist! He said it was all okey and I would just spin. Today is Sunday and I would love to watch TV, but I'm too tired. Can break already at 20 o'clock 12 hours. That's totally abnormal right?


You wrote in your question text that you have to go to the neurologist because of your anxiety disorders. He is not responsible for your state of fatigue. Your GP is responsible for this. Let's examine your blood: Do you have iron deficiency?


Earlier in school time yes. No idea today

I'll see what the neurologist will say. Just take a look.


Sorry, but the neurologist will not check you for iron deficiency.


Sure, but the family doctor said that everything was fine.


Did he take blood?