SuSE Linux 7.3 on the laptop: What can you do if the font is very fuzzy after installation?


SuSE Linux 7.3 on the laptop: What can you do if the font is very fuzzy after installation?


Presumably, the graphics driver is not the right one or the resolution is not set correctly. Take a look at the resolution of your Linux and the maximum resolution your display offers.

I also had a few problems on my notebook with Ryzen processor, I only came to the correct resolution by using a special Raven Ridge kernel (that's the name of the Ryzen processors with graphics on board).

See if you can install a proprietary driver. Which graphics card is inside? If it is such a Ryzen, then the open source driver is AMDGPU, but there's a driver directly from AMD.


That's an extremely old Suse version. You can experiment with the AntiAlising parameter in YAST and / or use another system font.



SuSE Linux 7.3 on the laptop: What can you do if the font is very fuzzy after installation?

The simplest (and safer) is simply to install a current version (from Leap) instead of a version that has been no support for a long time.

Or is there a reasonable reason why you want to use this version?

The problem itself would be good to have logfile extracts:

grep -E 'error | fail' / var / log / messages
grep -E 'warn | fail | error' /home/$USER/.xsession-errors

Linux Hase


The font is only blurred correctly within the graphical user interface.


The font is only blurred correctly within the graphical user interface.

Of course, because in the desktop probably only the framebuffer is used.

What kind of graphics unit is installed?

lspci -nnk | grep -EiA3 vga

Linux Hase


No idea, is an old no-name laptop.


No idea

That's why you should run the above lspci command and show the output of it here completely!

And please do not come to the dμmme idea to send a photo of it ;-)

Linux Hase