Accidentally logged in to the ex in the Gmail account. What can she see?


My girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago after 3 years.

Did a bit of messing around on my laptop earlier and I noticed after an hour that I have logged in with the Ex-Gmail account.

I immediately deleted the history and logged out.

Of course, she does not want her to think it was intentional, etc., so I check her e-mails or something like that.


Does she get an info on her smartphone that someone was logged into her account? (The WLAN knows her, because we lived together in this apartment, where I'm currently)
Can she see the history on her phone? Say which pages I visited even if I deleted the history on my laptop?
Does she get anything in general? : /


I do not think she will notice anything.

Or have you ever received notifications because you have logged in with another device in your e-mail?


To be honest, I really do not know. From time to time I got an info on my phone like "suspicious account activity, check their activity" or something.


Yes, then you have probably deposited your mobile phone number on the Gmail account, sure it's not yours?


I do not understand the question now.


Yes, she gets an info by e-mail.


She gets

no course of what you did "otherwise" on your computer
but an info in the way: "On a (type of computer / operating system) in (place) someone has registered at (time) in your account"
But it CAN be that she does not get anything, because with DIESEM research she was already in her account.