ASUS Rog g752vy boot bug?

- in Asus

I have had the problem for about half a year that my gaming laptop does not boot properly anymore. I suspect the problem is some faulty driver. The operating system I use Windows 10. Incidentally, I can't reset the laptop on the "Automatic Repair". The problem was fixed for a couple of months a few months ago for unknown reasons, then the same thing again.

SYMPTOMS: Each time I boot the laptop, a problem occurs in the Asus loading screen. (The screen gets stuck, I get a blue screen or the laptop is restarted)

ASUS Rog g752vy boot bug

I'm grateful for any proposed solution!


Completely new?

Clean reinstallation of a USB stick or DVD?


With USB stick, I've already tried it, then I once can boot normally, then unfortunately the same again.