When I went home from work, I folded my laptop and packed it up. At home, I opened the backpack with the laptop and everything was totally hot in it. I immediately got the laptop out of the laptop bag and opened it. Now the operating system has hung up or the message: It is an error must be restarted. For this reason, the laptop has totally hung up in the bag and could not cool. He was really hot, I could just barely touch.
I could then turn it on for a moment and log in for a moment before it went down, because the battery was all. And unfortunately, my charger is in the company. So I can't put the laptop in operation and see if everything is OK.
My question now. Can the laptop have taken serious damage? If js which. Normal log in and boot up everything worked as always. And saved everything was the Absturtzmoment.
I would dedust the fan and the cooling fins. Then it usually works again.