Laptop Ram 4GB expand?

Laptop Ram 4GB expand

Hi there.

I need a program on my laptop, but it needs more than 4 GB of ram for the installation.

now i wanted to expand the ram.

Where can I find the right ram? , and do the two ram bars have to be identical? What is the maximum cost of something old?


It would be best if you buy used RAM. You really save money there. If you have a DDR3 mainboard, i.e. A PC from 2009-2015, then you need ddr3 RAM modules that also have to fit and ideally 2 sticks from the same brand. Greeting


After a quick search for the model number: That's exactly what's in there, but you should probably get something cheaper, you don't have to put 2 of the same in there.

That would be the search for what fits in there. If you want to upgrade to 8GB that would be 16 euro


Thanks. First link does not work.


Very simple: install the info tool "speccy" (freeware), it reads out all details of the built-in memory module.

then you buy a second one, as identical as possible. If you do not get an exactly identical one, you have to make sure that the most important characteristics (type, memory rate, latency) match.

or you take out the built-in one and google the product number, if necessary you can find the right one on ebay or amazon.


I would first see whether the amount of available physical memory (RAM) is the only problem, or whether the hardware (CPU + graphics solution) might not cause problems with the installation of your desired application. (System requirements of the software)

7J1880 indicates DDR4 - 2400 SO - Dimm with 1.2 volts.


Make sure that you get the right plug shape when buying. There are a few different ones


Just google 'SPS 862397'. This is the exact model number (it is written on the stick)