SMB transmission of Konica Minolta C220 is not working?


Following problem: I want to transfer scans via SMB to my laptop. SMB is set on the KM C220 with v1 / v2 setting and the laptop is set up in the address book with the appropriate path and user name. The scan folder created on the laptop is released and the user has the appropriate rights. Printer sharing in the Windows settings is also enabled. Nevertheless, there's always an error message during the test scan (server connection error). Someone suggested solutions?


In case you mean the ServerMessageBlock protocol with SMB: Use a different protocol. Since last year's update, newer versions of Windows no longer support the insecure version of SMB that your scanner may still be talking.


Thanks for the answer. That's the version 1 that is no longer supported. As described above, the scanner also supports version 2, so this should not be the problem. Any more ideas?


Sorry no.