Drag photos from your phone to your PC?


Moin, I have just connected my cell phone, Samsung Galaxy S7 to the laptop (Windows 10). But it hardly shows any pictures. How do I get them from my cell phone now?
I know some photos are on Google Photos, but not all of them. (Somehow can't get everyone to sync there)
Also, I'm using Samsung Cloud, I've just signed up for the web version, but where the hell do I find the option to download my photos?
I have a feeling that it could actually be very simple. I'm not looking at it right now!
I would appreciate a helpful comment and thank you for the expertise! Hats off!


When I connect my cell phone> Galaxy A 7 to my laptop, Explorer displays my cell phone in the left side. You should actually be able to drag your pictures from your cell phone to your computer


That is also the case, but of about 400 pictures, the 5 pictures from the previous day are displayed on the PC, I do not understand.


Sorry, I can't help, my phone shows on the display, a message, allow access to pictures, then I can load the pictures onto my Lappy.