PC games for old people with shaky fingers and osteoarthritis?


I'm looking for an elderly center for games that are suitable for people with shaky fingers, arthritis and often slower reaction times.

People can't operate a mouse, touchpad, gamepad, joystick, etc. Safely and accurately. That's why Android tablets with the touch interface are not that good.

We have a Windows laptop with a USB device with two 10 cm buttons that you can map to any keyboard key.

So games where you have to press one or two buttons at the right time. But preferably only once or slowly, so no "series" to run or something similar.

And the games would have to go offline, so without Internet connection at the time of the game.

I once saw a breeze, because you could a sheep, which was always on its own, jumping over fences, something like this.

Do you know what, what could I try?


Lord of the Rings Online


Without a mouse, that's a bit difficult.


I would say that Tetris is a good match for that. It does not require any extraordinary reactions and you can usually play it with 2 buttons. There are also plenty of free versions of it, all of which do not require internet