Sims 4 hangs up while playing?


Before sims 4 never rumgespackt with me but since yesterday it hangs igrendwann completely on and that annoys.

It works fine and I can play fluently. But after a while it hangs, everything is frozen and I can't do anything.

I can't even finish the game and have to turn off my entire laptop. This is extremely annoying, especially because then I have to make everything new.


Phew, so I do not have Sims 4 but back then I had exactly the same problem with Sims 3. The reason was because of the fact that cars are somehow stuck in the city and then somehow caused problems, then I let a sim run through the whole city and then the problem was gone, but I do not know how it is with Sims 4


At sims 4 you can't walk through the city: /

What the problem is? Da Dangersonny
Sims 4 hangs? Ba BankSiena
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