What can anaconda do?


I just installed anaconda for python. Unfortunately, I still have no idea about programming, so my question: The launcher contains something from Jupyter Lap, Notebook, Spyder and a few other things. What does this bring me and which program do I code?


Why do you use what if you have no idea what that is, what it does, etc.

Just take visual studio code + python module + python and good!

If it is too much for you to google what is and what it does, how do you want to get along with 100,000 Python modules because as a programmer you are constantly looking for the right tool, suitable solutions, etc.

PS.: There are 100 German tutorials on Youtube and 1000 English!


Anaconda is like a kind of platform / all-round package that should simplify software development, whereby the focus is often on scientific calculations (e.g. Statistics, stochastics) and analyzes.

On the one hand, an IDE (Spyder) is integrated, on the other hand, conda takes over the package management for you, to name just two features.

However, as a beginner, I would rather recommend a lightweight IDE. For example, Thonny or the IDLE included in the Python package. https://py.processing.org/ could also be a good option to start programming.

Otherwise, you will find various learning sources that you can use to get started.