Can an iPad Pro completely replace a notebook?


My daughter has been doing almost everything on the iPad Pro for quite some time now, and hardly anything left on her notebook.

Actually, I wanted to buy her a new notebook for 600 euro to graduate school, but she insists on getting a iPad Pro of the latest generation, as she has to give her iPad Pro back to school.

Can you really do anything with it?

In addition: The iPad Pro should be more powerful than a notebook, can that be?

Is there ever a cheaper alternative to the iPad Pro, find it a bit too expensive.


The iPad Pro 2018 is extremely powerful for the price, it has about as much power as a notebook for 2000 euro. This is mainly due to the advanced ARM processor architecture that does not exist on desktop computers.

In some circumstances, it can actually replace a computer, but sometimes it can get a bit awkward. It's just another workflow, but if she gets along with it and prefers it, why not?!

I would much rather use an iPad than a cheap 600 euro Windows Calculator. My favorite would be a MacBook


600 euro is cheap? In which world do you live?


As long as you do not need any programs for your studies that only work on Windows / MacOS, an iPad should be enough. A keyboard etc. Are there indeed as accessories.

Significantly cheaper than the iPad Pro is the normal iPad2018. Is also compatible with the Apple Pencil. This is available with 32Gb for 349 euro u. With 128Gb for 439 euro

Can an iPad Pro completely replace a notebook


Hmm, I think that's a very individual question! It depends very much on what you do with it and in the future! Here a budding computer science student recently had a similar question and a current InfStudent has even advised to combine laptop and tablet!

Personally, I think an iPad pro is very expensive and it can't replace a laptop, but is natl in many ways handy!

I have my biggest reservations because your daughter is now very used to the iPad, but natl. This may also be because it is very well integrated into the school's day! THEN that works great!

NOBODY can tell if or how well that works in the next section after graduation! Therefore, I would say anyway, that the first must clarify, if necessary, you have to see there first, what is offered! But that is probably only after the summer / fall, or even after a FSJ! At least one is more flexible with a laptop, if necessary with TabletFumktion, eg a MS Surface, or a slightly cheaper option! A multi-page housework, possibly special software, etc. Could even once on an iPad pro reach its limits!


She will begin her training as an MTA from 1.10.2019 and wishes for an iPad Pro. If so, then probably the newest.

A notebook that can also run MS Office and simply programs, she has already written and except applications so that makes them almost nothing. She does everything with her iPad Pro 2016 from school, that she has to give back to school.


If she does not need the pro to work, it's a luxury anyway! In my understanding, it is already meant to 'work', but not for the same 'work' as a laptop! So why should it serve? But probably just for fun and possibly as a status symbol!

The new 'normal' iPad is also very decent and you can even use it with the iPencil if you like! Many who bought a (medium) Pro just before, for that reason, have been annoyed to have spent significantly more money on using this feature!

I find 350 euro as a 'gift' to the Abi already very decent (and the costs are not so sudden and immediately!) Others may have a trip, or a car, depending on the… But a 1000 euro iPad are 650 euro luxury for fun!

You can give her 350 euro, then she can decide what she wants' ;-)

She can buy something else, or used one, and has something over, a normal iPad, or put 650 euro on it!


Anything that goes beyond a pure surfing machine is definitely in a different price range.


Thank you. Since I actually wanted to buy her a notebook for 600 euro, I will give her 600 euro and then she can buy what she wants.