Cancel Media Markt contract or not?


I signed a contract with Mediamarkt more than 3 weeks ago saying that the laptop I was going to buy at the time, but which was sold out, would be delivered to the market. So the offer applies to me for an unlimited period. When Media Markt was closed, I tried to contact them by email. Unfortunately, there were only incompetent answers that would not help me. So I called. But then there was only one woman who apparently forgot to be polite… Now Media Markt is open again. But the laptop is not available in stock and can only be delivered from 2.5.20. Should I rather wait or cancel the contract? My nerves are slow at the end… And what happens if I complain about long waiting times?


Unfortunately, that's the current situation, you won't be able to accelerate anything. Whether you can withdraw from the contract depends on the contract - if it was a purchase contract that would only be possible by goodwill, since no distance selling.

2.5. Is not so long now, laptops etc. Are currently very much in demand because of home office. So be happy if you get a good one at an old price.