What equipment for home office & who pays?


My boss is now slowly realizing that home office may be better… So now I have a few questions:

Which facility should you have for your home office?
Who pays to set up the home office?

So does my boss have to pay for the printer, monitor and so on? Respectively. What should you have? I only have a laptop.


It depends on what you need. Usually the company should provide equipment and a secure internet connection


My daughter has been in the home office for two weeks. You only need a laptop and it is provided by the company. If something has to be printed out, this is done directly in the office.

She doesn't need any furniture. After all, she has a table and chairs in the apartment.


The laptop is enough, you do not need more. It is best to be given a work shelf, i.e. Where you can store your things and where your employees can access them if necessary. Ne cloud or something, or Chefchen provides servers. And Microsoft's Office wouldn't be bad xD


Hmm I think I have to buy a mouse and everything now. But what about the screen and all that? I always think it's too small on a laptop…


Thank you! But did she already have everything else at home? So screen, keyboard and such? Because at work I have a docking station and I don't have everything at home.

And I can only work with a laptop, because I get neck pain! Hope your daughter has solved this well, I think I have to take care of everything myself…


Thanks, but I don't think a laptop is enough! I really always have neck pain and work on such a small laptop and I find the small screen actually an impertinence… Everyone might see it differently, but I find that really stupid!

Office and so of course we have.


My daughter also only works with a laptop at work, so no different than now, only that she no longer has to drive to work.


Ah ok, if that works - then I'm probably a little old-fashioned haha


Maybe it's a lot of habit.


Correct sitting posture is important. You can also put the laptop a little higher and connect a keyboard so that you don't always look down. At eye level or slightly below eye level is optimal. Alternatively, you can also connect a different monitor, then it is also more pleasant.


So for the home office you only need a laptop, done! But if you want to set up a small home office, I would think of this:


Table (should be at least 1.2 meters wide, 1m deep)
Comfortable chair, ideally office chair (firm hold)
Good light
Fresh air (close to the window)


Laptop stand
Docking station or sufficient adapter
Printer / scanner
Paper shredder?
1-2 monitors
Conference headset

Set up home office

I would definitely look for a place where you have good light, little noise, fresh air and a nice view. As far as the first steps are concerned, you will find instructions for setting up https://homeoffice-einrichten.com/ here

I'm not saying that you still need a stable internet connection and a phone.

More for home office

Depending on whether you have a wife and family, you should also remember that you work in peace, are not constantly disturbed and others can also hear you well.

I work from home and have my own office there. Think that will come for most soon…


Ok thanks for the detailed answer, but who pays for that?


Most of the employers should pay. But he will certainly not provide you with all the equipment that I have listed.

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