Can you decline a refund and request a replacement?


Specifically, it's about a laptop. This one has screen clouding. So I wanted to replace the device or at least have it repaired. However, the manufacturer is only offering me a refund. The laptop now costs 77 euro more. That's why I don't really want a refund. Can I decline the refund and request a replacement?


First I had to google what you mean. But I immediately found the 80% right article for you (related to TV) not only what but also how do I proceed against it. And what else is possible And that the problem is known and can't be changed. So there's no guarantee

and for laptops

There are rather the same websites that have discussed the problem.


Whatever is possible with online orders. 14 days right of return.

in the shop, which currently does not fit, on goodwill

6 months warranty from the seller

and 18 months warranty from the manufacturer. Only then would you have waited a hell of a long time.


Thanks for the links, but I already know what screen clouding is. The question was whether I can request a replacement if only a refund is offered.


That you know is clear… But I don't.

Whether you can get a replacement delivery, that's exactly what you got on the left, because the topic is discussed at length and depth. With much more information than you have given here. Since it comes out clearly, even a replacement delivery does not solve the problem. Because it's just not solvable.

As always, what works anyway depends on it. From the date of purchase.