Bank of America requests refund?


I sold my laptop to a customer outside of Germany.

I have sent my bank data for the transfer so that he can oversee the money. I didn't know anything about it at the Bank of America.

Now there's a huge problem and indeed, the customer has transferred 2000 euro the bank holds the amount and I should now pay a refund of 1130 euro from my own pocket to get to the 2000 euro ran.

Unfortunately I don't have that much money and I won't be able to get it.

Plus I'm unsure if that was not some scam because I do not know this procedure. To be honest, it doesn't make sense to me either.

Is there a legal bond that I have to pay the Refund because I have not signed anything that has done everything the buyer.

I was not informed of the refund and the bank terms.


This is definitely a scam:

Lawsuits will probably not be an option as being too expensive abroad. Maybe the platform operator will help you


Now there's a huge problem

As long as you don't ship the goods, you have no problem.

The basic rule is: you don't pay to receive money - especially not so high amounts.

Plus I'm unsure if this is not some scam

You do not need to be insecure, you can take it easy.


That sounds like cheating.

How do you even know about the alleged demand of the bank? Did you receive an e-mail? Who is the sender?