Homework - Digital or Written?


Where do you prefer to do your homework or just tasks that you have to do?
Digital as on a PC, laptop, Ipad, tablet, smartphone and so on, or in writing on the sheet?
So I prefer to do my tasks on the PC


Pen and paper are my best friends.


I prefer to do it in writing on an Ipad.


Exactly! Above all, I can write everything on my PC much faster, and I also enjoy working digitally a lot more!


I prefer to do it in writing, because it basically helps you learn to write more by hand, which will be very helpful later for long exams or high school diplomas, and you can also remember things handwritten more easily… Tipex or eraser…


For me it depends on the type of homework. If there are some for research, then it would be better to do it on the PC, then you can collect, bundle and type it directly.

But I also love to write handwritten. Sometimes I also need this for structuring before I digitize it.

LEnlists are always handwritten for me.


So if you only write on the PC, it may be that e.g. The hands totally die😅


Learning notes are also handwritten for me, the rest actually, but it would be much more fun to do it digitally. Unfortunately our school is not ready yet.


For me it is more like that my hands almost die when I write with a pen haha xd


So at high school I meant


Yes, but if you keep writing with the pen, it gets better… Oh, and I had made a mistake, so I just meant that if you always write on the PC, because, as you said, your hands don't die, they will be there at the latest when you have 5 hours of exams… At least my math teacher says


Well, you create your own learning slip, not the school. We also have a few in the grade that learn by typing very well. EVERYONE has his own system and is just as good.


Yes. But I think you should also be allowed to take your laptop with you, for example, or your iPad or something, if you are of course tidy and don't gamble on it. Because I think you should learn how to do it best.