Do teachers have more free time when the digital age breaks in and is introduced to schools?


What does "digital" mean? Most students are already networked without end… Should the students now teach the teacher how to handle the digital network and its devices (laptop, tablet)?


No, I think teachers do not have free time anymore. The question is simple: what do you imagine under "Digital age at schools"?

Learning skills to use digital media appropriately and being educated towards the critical person who questions whether the YouTube video is actually a reliable source or only displayed to me because an algorithm has given it the highest probability that it fits my interests (so I'm in a filter bubble and get exactly the (wrong) information I want to get)?
A meaningful use / integration of tablets / whiteboards or similar, which make the lesson more varied and simply more possibilities (visualization)?

Suppose you are dealing with media literacy: here is the total. Mankind to learn a lot. Do not blindly trust any source, even if it is "written there".

When it comes to integrating devices into the classroom: integration does not mean complete replacement. The teacher may even need to invest more time in lesson planning because there's another great source open to him. Nevertheless - somewhere the data displayed by the whiteboard must come from, that is. Here, too, educators must have invested time.

Now, of course, one can argue, "Then KI replaces the faculty at some point." But that sounds not only sensational, but also raises new questions, for example, where the AI now gets their information. And how to make sure they are correct too. People make mistakes. But as long as people write programs, they also make mistakes.

Knowledge is power - and it is still best transmitted by man.

My opinion!


Certainly not!

Only the work content is shifted slightly. BUT: Finally, teachers might have more time for educational considerations per pupil: e.g. Individualized learning suggestions, counseling times per pupil, conversations with the class about education and social behavior etc. Etc.


Well, Mrs. Merkel is hanging on the "Macron" in France… In France smartphone, laptop and digital are prohibited or prohibited in schools…

how are the children supposed to deal with the lesson, if they only have the "telly" in mind so on the table… (?!) the teachers themselves are not in favor of it, for example if they have no idea about computers… Well, in the overcrowded classes they will then "knock" around the devices…


Teachers of older semesters are overwhelmed with some digital devices, for that is certainly no work. But even younger teachers have more opportunities through digital media to make their lessons, but they are not so easy to implement. Because to make good use of the media, you have to worry pretty much. If you're writing on a whiteboard instead of on a classic blackboard, the overhead is marginal, but so is the added value for the students. Media use, which provides a real didactic added value, but also requires an extra effort in the preparation.


Damn stupid know! Professeur and students get tablets in France!