Education, boss thinks I'm unmotivated?


The apprentices got a new notebook about 2 months ago. For the school and for work. Meanwhile, I was on vacation and in other departments where the notebook did not need to be used.

Now I came back the day before yesterday in the IT department, so the main department where I do my training and immediately installed the notebook.

Yesterday afternoon my boss suddenly came and spoke to me on the notebook. Employees complained that I did not have it installed and he has the impression that I'm unmotivated and "dreamy".

Since I'm not so self-confident that I'm arguing against that right away, I did not tell him that I only received LOB from other departments (where I've been).

Even if he should know that, it shocks me that I'm unmotivated on the basis of a notebook.

Furthermore, he has brought the example that either someone can be on the assembly line or as chairman of mercedes

I do not know what to do or how to respond.


"and immediately installed the notebook."

"Employees complained that I did not have it installed"

Yeah, well, what do you have it installed now or not? If so, why did the employees complain?


That's true as I wrote it! The MA who complained, incidentally, I asked the day before for the notebook and he gave it to me. Apparently he complained to the boss then.


They probably complained that FS did not do it right after the notebook was handed out.


I wrote above that we got it 2 months ago. However, I had no way or saw the sense not to install it

That sounds quite different again "I did not see the meaning". You can't advance vacation if the notebook was already issued 2 months ago.

This is a lack of work ethic and sense of responsibility to deal with company property where I can understand the reaction of the boss already.


OK, if you do not install the notebook within a week, you can understand that.

But if you talk about 2 months, I find that very long, regardless of whether it is used in the other departments or not.

Otherwise, notice for the future: negative assessments of colleagues end up with the boss rather than a praise.

So you can do well for months. But as soon as an error or a negligence happens, this will be carried forward immediately.


What my boss has said subliminally is that always the same complains.


And I'm not so good with him


You're right. However, I talked to my team leader and when I told him that I would install it when I'm back in IT and not when I go through the important departments that I'm only allowed to see once, he has not said no but only OK. The work ethic I prove every day in the respective departments. I have the impression that my boss has little contact with them.